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Pytloun Boutique hotel Prague

Expansion of hotel capacity

Pytloun Boutique hotel Prague

Hotel rooms interior is a specific discipline. Everyone who spends time in a hotel room must feel comfortable in its interior. This time we took part in the renovation of one of the best-rated hotels in Prague.

Expansion of hotel capacity

The hotel has been operating successfully since 2018, but it was getting a bit tight. Lots of guests, not enough rooms. The owner of the hotel chain, Lukas Pytloun, decided to expand the space by 3 more floors. When he asked us if we wanted to participate in the project, we gladly accepted the offer.

From survey to implementation

In the spring of this year, we went to survey the space . We then hit a slight snag during the pricing process, as the required material decor wasn´t available. We put our heads together and chose the decor most similar to the original. We agreed on samples with the client and production began..

What we were responsible for

We supplied the new hotel rooms with:

  • Built-in wardrobes
  • Tables
  • Washbasin cabinets - inserts inside marble and mirror legs
  • We have customised the reception desk

Thank you for having us

The Pytloun Hotels chain is a steadily growing business even in these adverse times , and as Lukas Pytloun himself mentioned in a recent interview with Czech Forbes:

"When you think about it, I’ve opened all my hotels during some bad times. The first one in 2007 and then the global crisis came. Then there was the covid, during which we opened three branches, so you could say that we grew the most during that period.”

We wish that all the hotels continue to do well and look forward to next potential implementations.

PS. Speaking of hotels, have you seen this one? 


Our happy clients

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